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আজকের সর্বশেষ সবখবর

College Teacher’s Body Recovered in Netrakona

Astha Desk
জানুয়ারি ১১, ২০২৫ ১:৪৬ পূর্বাহ্ণ
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College Teacher’s Body Recovered in Netrakona

Abdur Rahman Ishan, Staff Reporter (Netrakona)

The bloodied body of Dilip Kumar Roy (71), a retired college teacher, was recovered from his residence in Netrakona. Upon being taken to Netrakona Modern Sadar Hospital, doctors declared him dead.

The incident occurred on Friday morning around 10 a.m. in the Bara Bazar area of Netrakona town.

Dilip Roy, a resident of Bara Bazar, was a retired professor in the Agricultural Studies Department at Netrakona Abu Abbas College. His ancestral home is in Maijar, Comilla.

According to police and family sources, Dilip Kumar’s son and daughter reside in Dhaka. His son, Rajib Kumar Roy, serves as a deputy director at the Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA) under the Ministry of Finance. Dilip’s wife, Biva Saha, had been visiting their son’s residence for a few days, leaving him alone at home. After dinner, Dilip locked the door and went to sleep on Thursday night.

On Friday morning, the housemaid came and called for him, but receiving no response, she left. At around 10:30 a.m., Biva Saha returned from Dhaka and found the house locked. When she could not reach Dilip over the phone, she sought help from neighbors to break the lock and enter the house. Failing to find him in the main room, she discovered his bloodied body under the bed in another room. The body was immediately taken to Netrakona Modern Sadar Hospital, where doctors pronounced him dead.

The family suspects that miscreants entered the house and hacked him to death.

Additional Superintendent of Police (Special Branch) Md. Lutfor Rahman said, “Multiple police teams are working in the field to investigate the matter and take action against those involved.”

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